Friday, February 27, 2009

I need more vitamin c

Have you seen the commercial for that cold/flu medicine with vitamin c? There's a lady in her office all sniffly and sneezy and her coworkers are talking smack about how she's addicted to vitamin c and won't take conventional medicine because the good ole c is far superior. So they trick her into taking their medicine because it says 'vitamin c' on the box. I hate that commercial. Don't those bitches know that there was once a time when Dayquil didn't exist and your only hope of beating your cold is chowing down on every orange in sight? Yeah, so maybe back in those days it was a bit more common for folks to straight up die from a wee little cough, but whatever. Some people can't take cold/flu medicine. Some people made bad choices in high school, took a few too many dayquils, got really high, blurred their vision for three days and forgot their own name, and now their bodies freak the hell out when a gel cap comes into the room. Some people might take a cold pill and end up violently shaking, throwing up, and spewing obscenities to the heavens. So maybe those bitches shouldn't talk shit about oranges because maybe, just maybe, that's some peoples' only hope, ok!? Back off my 'c' bitch. Yeah, I'm stuffy and achy and cranky and sneezy. Yeah I feel like a dump truck is doing donuts in my skull. But you can't trick me with your cleverly disguised medicine. I know whats really in that box. That's no vitamin c mister. Now, if someone feels like doing a good deed, please go buy me some oranges because I am all out and I think its effecting my thought process.

1 comment:

Miss C said...

You're funny. I didn't see this post before.