It's an unusually cloudy, rainy day in Denver. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge fan of the Colorado sunshine, but
occasionally, even I need a gloomy day to crank up the heat and snuggle under a blanket. I've already checked all my daily sites, filled up on news, gossip, and blogs. I've watched four episodes of Cash Cab, in which I learned that
Geraldo has a hand tattoo, and went to
Pho for some hot chicken and noodle soup happiness. Now, I'm back under the blanket, with nothing to do but brag about my latest creation. I went to
Walmart the other day (I know, it only happens like twice a year and I prayed before and after) and found the cutest indoor herb garden kits. I was totally skeptical as to whether or not they would actually produce plants, but honestly, the little pots were so cute that I didn't care. And they were on sale for $8.00 so I bought two.

The packaging stated that the soil and seeds were included, but the containers felt pretty empty so I assumed they were just joking. I really thought they were joking, when I opened the package and saw these small brown hockey pucks described as "soil".

I followed the instructions......added water....
and more water....
fluffed with a fork... (and if you were wondering, yes, that is the fork I stole from Toby Keith)
and holy shit! It actually turned into soil. I don't have a clue how it worked, but those little pucks of umm whatever they were...grew before my eyes into a full pot of fluffy soil!!!
I put the little seeds in and covered the pots with saran wrap as instructed and placed them in the window sills in the guest room. Two days later, I was convinced that the saran wrap was not creating a greenhouse for my little herbs, but was instead just growing mold, so I took it off. The very next day I realized the little purple fuzzy specs of mold were actually plants!! Look at those little bitches!!!
that's right. I
gots basil. And I even have three tiny little chive sprouts, although they were too small to photograph with my
iphone. I am so oddly excited about this. I went to
Walmart, poured water on a hockey puck, and will soon have enough herbs to season the neighborhood...or at least my pasta sauce.
That's just crazy. I have a new appreciation for life. God help my future children and their first poops. And God help you dear readers because you know I will be posting pictures of that shit online.
"because you know that I will be posting that shit online"- literally.
hee hee. i'm totally sold on some walmart herbal hockey pucks now.
I'm glad I read all the way to the end. I thought you just like, ate the hockey puck things.
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